I started doing photography about 15 years using Canon gear. Then I was out with a friend who had the Sony a9 and the 100-400mm lens. He let me try it out and I really like the results I got. I sold all my Canon gear and went to Sony. I have been shooting with Sony gear for the last three years. Having the live view in the viewfinder was a game changer for me. I am now shooting with the Sony a1 and the 300mm F2.8G lens. To me, it’s the best combination I have ever had. The lens gives me the reach and easy to travel with.
I always shoot in Manual Mode with the f/stop is wide open (f5.6 or f9 with the 1.4 extender attached).The shutter speed I keep between 1/1250 & 1/2500 a second except for photographing hummingbirds. With them I’m at 1/5000 to 1/6400 a second. I vary the ISO for the best exposure. With new editing software like Topaz DeNoise AI and DXO PureRaw, high ISO noise is not that much of a problem anymore.
I have documented my travels, photographing life along the west coast, Florida, Texas, Ohio, Costa Rica, Peru, Colombia and Brazil’s Pantanal region.